Hello, I will post a simple addon hack and anti afk for Tibia !

OBS : Use this class when you´re alone ! If you use when anyone is around, the hack will change the player addon

class cInfoPlayer
	char Name[30]; //0x0000 
char _0x001E[6];
	DWORD NameColor1; //0x0024 
	DWORD NameColor2; //0x0028 
char _0x002C[8];
	__int8 AntiAFK; //0x0034 
char _0x0035[23];
	__int8 IsRunning; //0x004C 
char _0x004D[15];
	__int32 Outfit; //0x005C 
	__int32 HeadColor; //0x0060 
	__int32 PrimaryColor; //0x0064 
	__int32 SecundaryColor; //0x0068 
	__int32 DetailColor; //0x006C 
	__int8 Addon; //0x0070 
char _0x0071[3];
	__int8 Mount; //0x0074 
char _0x0075[1099];

#define PlayerInfo                0x5F8BC8

DWORD Tibia = (DWORD)GetModuleHandle("Tibia.exe");

cInfoPlayer *InfoPlayer = (cInfoPlayer*)(Tibia + PlayerInfo);