
Annie - Panda Annie, Reverse Annie

Ashe - Amethyst Ashe, Queen Ashe, Heart Seeker Ashe

Caitlyn - Headhunter Caitlyn, Officer Caitlyn

Darius - Lord Darius, Woad King Darius

Diana - Lunar Goddess Diana

Elise - None

Evelyn - Tango Evelyn

Katarina - Kitty Cat Katarina, Slaybell Katarina, Sandstorm Katarina

Leona - Pool Party Leona, Iron Solari Leona

Lulu - None

Olaf - None

Oriana - Sewn Chaos Orianna

Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir

Ahri - Dynasty Ahri, Midnight Ahri, Foxfire Ahri, Popstar Ahri

Dr. Mundo - Mecha Malphite, Obsidian Malphite

Draven - Soul Reaver Draven, Gladiator Draven

Garen - Rugged Garen, Dreadknight Garen

Kayle - Aether Wing Kayle, Riot Kayle

Master Yi - Headhunter Master Yi, Ionia Master Yi

Nami - Koi Nami, River Spirit Nami

Nunu - None

Poppy - None

Shen - Warlord Shen, Blood Moon Shen

Shyvanna - Darkflame Shyvana

Vayne - Dragonslayer Vayne

Wukong Jade Dragon Wukong, Volcanic Wukong

Xin Zhao - Warring Kingdoms Xin Zhao, Viscero Xin Zhao

Akali - Silverfang Akali, Crimson Akali, Blood Moon Akali, Nurse Akali

Cassiopeia - Mythic Cassiopeia, Jade Fang Cassiopeia

Ezreal - Pulsefire Ezreal, Frosted Ezreal

Gragas - None

Jarvan - Warring Kingdoms Jarvan, Darkforge Jarvan IV


Karthus - Statue of Karthus, Grim Reaper Karthus

Kassadin - Festival Kassadin

Lux - Steel Legion Lux

Morgana - None

Nasus - K9 Nasus

Nidalee - Headhunter Nidalee, Leopard Nidalee

Riven - Battle Bunny Riven, Redeemed Riven, Dragon Blade Riven

Ryze - None

Sona - Arcade Sona, Guqin Sona

Soraka - None

Swain - None

Syndra - Atlantean Syndra, Justicar Syndra

Varus - Blight Crystal Varus, Arctic Ops Varus

Warwick - Feral Warwick

Zed - Shock Blade Zed

Zilean - None

Blitzcrank - Riot Blitzcrank, iBlitzcrank, Piltover Customs Blitzcrank

Brand - Cryocore Brand

Fiddlesticks - Surprise Party Fiddlesticks

Fizz - Void Fizz, Tundra Fizz

Hecarim - Blood Knight Hecarim, Arcade Hecarim

Kha' zix - Mecha Khazix

Rammus - Full Metal Rammus

Renekton - Scorched Earth Renekton, Pool Party Renekton

Rengar - Night Hunter Rengar

Shaco - Workshop Shaco, Asylum Shaco

Teemo - Panda Teemo, Cotton Tail Teemo

Trundle - None

Tryndamere - Warring Kingdoms Tryndamere

Udyr - Spirit Guard Udyr

Xerath - Scorched Earth Xerath

Ziggs - Pool Party Ziggs, Scientist Ziggs

Zyra - None

Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin, Pool Party Lee sin, Muay Thai Lee sin

Miss Fortune - Arcade Miss Fortune

Nautilus - Abyssal Nautilus

Pantheon - Dragon Slayer Pantheon, Full Metal Pantheon, Glaive Warrior Pantheon

Singed - None

Talon - Renegade Talon

Thresh - Championship Thresh

Twisted Fate - High Noon Twisted Fate, Underworld Twisted Fate

Twitch - None

Vi - Neon Strike Vi

Volibear - None

Sivir - Spectacular Sivir, Pax Sivir

This list included many legacy skins and 2 PAX skins. (Pax Jax and Pax Sivir) You may not know, but many skins such as pax have massively increased in price due to the updates a while ago (You cannot use skin codes anymore)

Runes: 16

Champions: 92 (Don't think I counted correctly, but somewhere around there)

Skins: 110 - 120 (about)

Normal Wins: 430

Ranked Wins: 86

Rank Season 1: None

Rank Season 2: None

Rank Season 3: Silver

Rank Season 4: Bronze 1 (Good stats tho)

Money Spent on this account: $1500ish and still bronze

Selling Price: Starting from $250

If you don't think it's worth, then think about it my offer is 1/6 of my original money spent.
It has Legacy, Legendary, Limited and Ultimate skins and ontop of that, it has Pax Jax, AND Pax sivir which are worth alot now since there is no possible way of redeeming these codes unless bought from an account.


Add me on skype!
minecraft_29 if you cant find that, then look for someone named 'Wizard' Australia

Before you add me, you must accept these terms and conditions.

-No refunds once the account has been send to you and when you have logged in successfully

-Any type of scam could cause you a limitation/block on your PayPal account.

-Payments on PayPal will only be accepted if it is send as a gift to friends or family.

-Don't bug me too much on skype, send your message and don't keep on spamming me if I don't directly respond. I will try to get back to you as fast as I can.

-You go first or we use an Official Middle Man.

By adding me, you accept these terms and conditions.

You can also add me if you have any questions by adding me on skype.