First of all, I'm always seeing people saying an AHK triggerbot isn't possible. It is. If you can make a color aimbot, I don't see why you can't do the same for a triggerbot. Now since of course there are gonna be many of the same colors elsewhere in the map than just an enemy. So I figured, why not capture a frame of pixels, or just one in the center of the screen, and Send {LButton} when the pixel changes. Of course you'd then need to stand completely still for it to work, this is more for the camping type. Anyway, I'm super new to AHK, I just figured I'd start learning and give it a try since AHK is undetectable.
Here's what I've come up with so far.
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen

~F7::Suspend, Toggle

MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY

PixelGetColor, ncolor, %MouseX%+3, %MouseY%+3
PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%+3, %MouseY%+3
while %ncolor% = %color%
	MouseGetPos, MouseX, MouseY
	PixelGetColor, color, %MouseX%+3, %MouseY%+3
	Sleep, 10

Send {LButton}
So... yeah. I tried to make it search a few pixels over since there's that little dot in the center of a cross-hair, obviously it would interrupt and wouldn't work. But I don't see why it wouldn't work with my code, and using my concept, I don't see why it wouldn't work if an experienced coder made it.

Over-all, I request help making this, or I request a more experienced coder to try this concept with their own code.
My thanks..