Thread: Issues...

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  1. #1
    lynxillious's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


    I am trying to learn how to do a JMP hook properly.

    I want to change the operation of some ASM.
    warrock:004F73C4                                                 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    warrock:004F73C4                                                 loc_4F73C4:                             ; CODE XREF: sub_4F70A8+311j
    warrock:004F73C4 8B 46 14                                                        mov     eax, [esi+14h]
    warrock:004F73C7 83 C0 46                                                        add     eax, 46h
    warrock:004F73CA 68 28 11 8E 00                                                  push    offset aCc02    ; "CC02"
    warrock:004F73CF 50                                                              push    eax
    warrock:004F73D0 FF D7                                                           call    edi ; msvcr90_stricmp
    warrock:004F73D2 59                                                              pop     ecx
    warrock:004F73D3 59                                                              pop     ecx
    warrock:004F73D4 85 C0                                                           test    eax, eax
    warrock:004F73D6 75 22                                                           jnz     short loc_4F73FA
    warrock:004F73D8 8B 83 68 01 00 00                                               mov     eax, [ebx+168h]
    warrock:004F73DE C6 83 66 01 00 00 01                                            mov     byte ptr [ebx+166h], 1
    warrock:004F73E5 83 F8 02                                                        cmp     eax, 2
    warrock:004F73E8 74 36                                                           jz      short loc_4F7420
    warrock:004F73EA 85 C0                                                           test    eax, eax
    warrock:004F73EC 75 4C                                                           jnz     short loc_4F743A
    warrock:004F73EE C7 83 68 01 00 00 01 00 00 00                                   mov     dword ptr [ebx+168h], 1
    warrock:004F73F8 EB 40                                                           jmp     short loc_4F743A

    My asm:
                    mov     edi, 8C14F8h
    		push    8E1120h
    		push    eax
    		call    edi
    		pop     ecx
    		pop     ecx
    		test    eax, eax
    		jnz		8C14F8h
    		mov     byte ptr[ebx + 34154h], 0
    		mov eax, CALLBACK
    		jmp eax

    And my C++
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    using namespace std;
    void DoHook(DWORD* Address, DWORD* Hook){   //LEECHED
    	This time it's not as easy as in part 1 where we could just replace one pointer to point at our hook.
            Here we need to replace 5 bytes with our jump code, E9 ** ** ** ** (where ** = offset bytes)
    	Luckily can just place them at the start of the Sleep() function so that we're sure they get executed
    	To do that we first need to change the memory protection so that we can write to it (we can't by default)
    	DWORD OldProt;     // -5 is there because the offset bytes of the jump instruction are relative to the address of the jump instruction, so the 5 bytes (length of the jump instruction) must be subtracted
    	DWORD HookOffset = (DWORD)Hook-(DWORD)Address-5;             // calculate the offset bytes and store the result into hookoffset
    	VirtualProtect((void*) Address, 40, 0x40, &OldProt);       // change the memory protection and give us write access.
    	char* CharPointer = (char*) Address;    // sizeof(char) == 1, 0E9h == 1, we need a char for the size
    	*CharPointer = '\xE9';                  // *CharPointer(Sleep()) now equals E9h (the jump opcode)
    											// we now need to place the operands						
    	CharPointer++;                          // the size problem again, incrementing Address (Address++) would result in the pointer advancing 4 bytes
    	Address = (DWORD*)CharPointer;		    // Advance the pointer with 1 byte to where the offset bytes need to come
    	*Address = 	HookOffset;                 // the correct offset 
    	VirtualProtect((void*) Address, 40, 0x40, &OldProt);      // change the memory protection back to the old values (it doesn't really matter if we do this or not, but it's just proper)
    return;// the hook is set!
    __declspec(naked) void jmp(){
    		mov     edi, 8C14F8h
    		push    8E1120h
    		push    eax
    		call    edi
    		pop     ecx
    		pop     ecx
    		test    eax, eax
    		jnz		8C14F8h
    		mov     byte ptr[ebx + 34154h], 1
    		mov eax, CALLBACK
    		jmp eax
    void SearchPatterns(void)
    	while (true){
    		if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 1){
    			DWORD* AddressOf = (DWORD*)0x4F73A7;
    			DoHook(AddressOf, (DWORD*)&jmp);
    BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HMODULE hDll, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
    	if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
    		CreateThread(NULL, NULL, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)SearchPatterns, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    	return TRUE;

    And i crash after the JMP hook..

    An example of this would be nice ^_^
    Last edited by lynxillious; 02-20-2015 at 07:17 PM.

  2. #2
    stdio's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Aside from the other things that can go wrong if the addresses don't exist in the module, I see an error right here.
    CharPointer++;                          // the size problem again, incrementing Address (Address++) would result in the pointer advancing 4 bytes
    	Address = (DWORD*)CharPointer;		    // Advance the pointer with 1 byte to where the offset bytes need to come
    	*Address = 	HookOffset;                 // the correct offset
    More specifically these two lines.
    Address = (DWORD*)CharPointer; // Advance the pointer with 1 byte to where the offset bytes need to come

    *Address = HookOffset; // the correct offset
    Your offset isn't meant to be the address to your callback. It's supposed to be the relative distance between your callback and the target function.
    In simpler terms. dst - src.
    Don't forget to subtract the size of the jump as well. On an x86 processor it's five bytes.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to stdio For This Useful Post:

    _Cplus (02-28-2015)

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