Conversation Between glowid1 and shax0r

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Unfortunately, these are for Point Blank. I know for a fact that Point Blank and Project Blackout use different addresses, and I won't be playing Point Blank anytime soon :/
  2. Wow, thanks for these links very much! I'll see what I can do with them and create some public hacks hopefully
  3. I found some source code of hack to Point Blank. That game are similat do PB, but unfortunately i dont have valid addresses to this functions.
    I hope it will useful for you.
    BASE N3 -
    [C++] ALL CHEAT -
    [C++] GazeForSmisa -

    Tell me when you create something. And if you have some useful course or materials lerning about creating hack to PB, send me please!
    Successful work!
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