Conversation Between ..x_X_x.. and Ahmad

17 Visitor Messages

  1. why???why iam annoying?!
  2. I mean, you are VERY annoying.
  3. Not really ?
  4. No. Not really
  5. Oh..come are missing me...don't you....cause i really do.
  6. You annoying
  7. add me new skype cinamarcina
  8. bro..iam not scammer..i will post prove......just Time will be online and i will... NOTE>.::i have a new old skype had been stole by my brother....
  9. Are u kidding me!!!
  10. what....
  11. You go up and scam dude? Really? We are not friends anymore
  12. I hope so.
  13. Thanc for your time bro..iam very happy to talk 2 you..but my about religious You have a good name Ahmed is a great will be better and do what makes u happy.
  14. Kinda... I'm not REALLY religious. But, I say I am or my parents will beat me.
  15. ok bro...only what makes me confused is your name and your flag..iam sure you are a muslim..aren't u?
  16. Arab. But I moved to Oregon when I was 3. So I speak english very well... And look like one too
  17. I wana know only one thing.are you Egyptian Or Arabian?!?!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17