Conversation Between -PoisonedG- and FUKO

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. No, i am back
  2. Black username = me liking black music?
  3. .
  4. Daddy got minion
  5. Give me a picture \
    and I'll think about FukoJr
  6. A sexy picture of lights
    Get name changed to FukoJr.

  7. Give me a suggestion then
  8. .
  9. .
  10. It's Gir form that show
  12. Like mei avatar?
  13. Epic fucking fayul.
  14. though you were talking about navi
  15. What did you think?...
  16. Oo my avatar
  17. That ugly hideous avatar :/
  18. Take off what?
  19. Burns my eyes though
    +Yes you can.
  20. Wow dude, stop being so mean she's not ugly and i can't take it off
  21. Please, take it off.
  22. No, she looks like an inbred ****** trying to fit in.
  23. She's ok..
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 26
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