Conversation Between NyanSinsation and Divine

17 Visitor Messages

  1. Make me hwat? c: I must know!
  2. Okay. Heh, I remember when we were somewhat close.
  3. Next time I get the chance, we'll have to talk and catch up. A lot has happened.
  4. o: Not gord.

  5. It's not rendering..
  6. Okie Doike
  7. Just a minute, I'm making a CA edit.
  8. By the way, add my msn.
  9. Oh, will do :3.
  10. Glad you came back.
    Should add a fresh, but positive feeling to this section.
  11. I missed my MPGH friends. That's what xD. And my 2 year anniversary of modding.
  12. What made you want to come back to modding?
  13. Too long.

  14. Man, it's been a LONG time. So much shit has happened..
  15. Hey there, old friend.
  16. Quinn. I've missed you alot. It's Starr.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17