Conversation Between Cinodor and Hux

6 Visitor Messages

  1. i dont have that kind of money, on second thought.
  2. Got to go in about 30 minutes. I'll be back tomorrow if we don't trade by then.
  3. Alright, I'll send in a thing to change the email after we trade. I haven't played realm since like.. V1 came out. It doesn't have much items since I got rid of them. But it still has 15 8/8s all the vaults, and the character is somewhat popular. Also has some gold 2K+ i believe. I can send more details on skype. Add me - ihitsnooze
  4. i'll buy your rotmg account.
  5. yeah sure.
  6. Interested in trading a diablo 3 key for a rotmg account with 15 8/8's and 66 stars? I will provide pics if you're interested.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6