Conversation Between Joshcarr2006 and Time

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy birthday josh!
  2. Ah, well was just checking feed and saw you comment on nav's wall so thought why not add you .
  3. lol I almost never use face book. I have three one I got banned on. One for people from MPGH and people I game with. And my last one is for Family and real life friends.
  4. accept fb req
  5. yeah I get on ever now and then don't know who you are tho seeing how ever one is a big fan of changing there name ever week.
  7. I see Get that shit fixed . miss ya .
  8. pc has been fucked up for a long time.
  9. Why.So.Dead.Brah.
  10. o thurr .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10