Conversation Between timer951 and Wyo

17 Visitor Messages

  1. done and done
  2. saw it but i cant add you as friend go ahead and add me Steam Community :: ID :: Procrastinator will be waiting.
  3. Cant see you online . ;S
  4. Done .
  5. but this time i will post it there so i can delete it
  6. i keep postin in my inbox lol
  7. wait give me your email will add you .
  8. ok im on whats ur steam?
  9. in 2 hours .
  10. What time are you getting off?
  11. at what time are u going to home?
  12. Im not home but as soon as I get home I ll add u bro
  13. add me on steam for the trade.
  14. Ay this account Steam Community :: 01011010 :: Games for dota 2¿? and we have a deal.
  15. i jusu said that beacuse i couldnt find the other link that you gave me XD
  16. No thanks bro
  17. Reply yo my msg pls XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17