Conversation Between Doc and fabz

23 Visitor Messages

  1. It's still there, just shit UI.
  2. ehhh we had MPGH Mobile, but I dunno what happened to it.
  3. Lol, my only internet based pastime is probably Reddit.

    Only because there is an app for it, if MPGH had an app I'd be active again.
  4. lolz. sounds like a better waste of time then being on here :P
  5. Not really.

    I'm only on because it started raining, so my plans got canceled.

    Would of been at a friends house probably smoking.
  6. chillin like a villain brah. you gon stay active?
  7. Been chillin' homie, how 'bout you?
  8. shite nikka. where u been?
  10. They so tasty. I like em with added cheese....yummmmm
  11. Oh good, I love blue waffles.
  12. Its as common as blue waffle.
  13. Is it normal for a human penis to be on fire?
  14. .
  15. That shit is scuury
  17. GET ON MSN
  18. haha thanks a bunch. i got bout 4 sig requests, and its hard coz i gotta balnce it with school work. but its nice to know that my work is getting noticed.
  19. Its the truth i like the halo and venom the most they are fucking insane
  20. lol it the truth i like the halo one the best
  21. why thank you lol
  22. You have some really nice sigs
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 23 of 23