Conversation Between azneaglez and Shocking

21 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh what? What happened to minion? o.o
  2. So how you doing?
  3. Not really, i'm just waiting for mike to finish with whatever hes doing.
  4. Have you given up on the server already
  5. Hows The Server? :P
  6. Cause i said iloveyou to them, rofls. well actually i only said it to leet, ionno why other people started.
  7. Why are people saying I Love You on your profile?
  8. Anna, we go play ca one day 1v1 I wanna get beat up :P
  9. Yea she did. Erm well its not working for me anyway. Did you send me the right one?
  10. Hows the Hex Editing going? Not falling through the FM still?
  11. add my msn, so_lonely95@h/c
  12. What is this? 8 month dedicated server? You gotta hook me up?
  13. I have someone who has 8 months dedicated server, 12gb ram, 4x processor something..
    and unlimited bandwidth, HELLS YEAH.
  14. T__T </3
  15. Friends pay for a private server, surely you jest. Sadly were going to have to just see if someone will be willing to do it .
  16. i don't have paypal to pay for a dedicated server, i need a sponsor. Ask your friends rofl. <3
  17. Lol if you give up its okay. Just keep poking in every once in awhile though. Or get a dedicated server running without the hoster. I dunno though take your time. If you give up then you can give up :P.
  18. Lol okays. I feel like giving up, noone is willing to.
  19. Lol yes the hoster. You gotta msg me when you get that hoster.
  20. Still need a hoster, rofl.
  21. Hows the Private Server Going?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21