Conversation Between Oliboli8769 and ewrc

17 Visitor Messages

  1. Long time no see
  2. game on, gamer
  3. have a good day
  4. igualmente
  5. My activity is a lot less, it'll be a long time until I fully leave though
  6. who knows
    not soon I hope
  7. Yeah I get you. Who knows when I will leave.
  8. oh well, have a good time.
    the bad thing is, i left when everyone else left, then came back when they were gone.
    None the less, im glad you're still here
  9. Zerobrium is a great guy, but he quit ages ago, don't know where he is. Chibizs is also a great guy, and he's still around, just doesn't post much on here. Glad to have older members like you who remember everyone :]
  10. Herro, do you know what happend to xerobrium and chibizs.
    Their names appeared to me when i saw it was zerobriums birthday down the side
  11. im allright
  12. Amazingly thanks, life is better than ever - I always say that, I wonder if I'll ever reach a drop zone.
  13. HOws it ging
  14. Hello
  15. Herro there
  16. idk, what am i doin?
  17. m8 wtf u doin
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17