Conversation Between Luke420 and Obama

21 Visitor Messages

  1. eh fuck you nig lol
  2. Fuck you bitch
  3. eh nig its ok you made the ca section
  4. Fuck you bitch
  5. eh its the good old days :P
  6. AW shits thats shity
  7. there was a huge storm, knocked out my internetz
  8. ok what happed then nigga
  9. Old news .
  10. hai your back niggas said you died D:
  11. SMD post nao
  12. Nigggggaaa niigggaa niigggga DAnceeeeeeeeeeeeenao
  13. i am sorrys i am in a shit mood but that was a test to see the noob come in out of there caves and there was 20 in 30 secs like omg
  14. Dont post that bullshit lol.
  15. dude i dident quit i got deminioned due to to small of section and here is sumthing no one is looking at /approved like fuck only if i had the power its a masked outside link and mpgh Says no outside links and no mod has appoved it soo yeah Ban this mada fucka
  16. You probably didnt get chosen because you quit the last time.
  17. WhatEver this is fucked
  18. shadup .
  19. dude this is why i should of been ca eu minion like fuck but naw dont pick me and yeah the sever is pretty fucked and lagging
  20. Why aren't you CA eu min anymore
  21. Lol nice avatar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 21 of 21