Conversation Between laikmets1990 and FBP

7 Visitor Messages

  1. eta 4e takoe Escrow?
  2. Escrow!///2short
  3. nu mne nado spirva dengi a potom dam akkounti :/
  4. OK. 30 EUR, escrow service? I know some good boys. I need Login:Password + Bank account number or CC number, because of PayPal Security Measures.
  5. on skazal 4to nemowet zdelatj, nu ja mogu tebe prodatj 2x paypal verified accounts,

    za 30 euro, pokupaew?
  6. Yea!! Give me contact please!! Paying a lot of money!!!
  7. ja znayu odnogo kotoriy mowet tebe zdelatj 2 verified paypal accs za 6$,

    -- interesno?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7