Conversation Between Cursed and Runik

7 Visitor Messages

  1. I will keep deleting your bumps, unless you read the bump rules and learn how to edit your last bump.
  2. If a users posts an invalid vouch, their post will be deleted. If you reply to it (Thanking them) that will be deleted too.
  3. Why in my theme disappeared customer reviews?
  4. Like I said if the post is older than 24 hours, it cannot be edited. Every time you bump, look at your times and if your last bump was less than 24 hours ago, just edit that post with the new info.
  5. sorry, but no editing
  6. You can edit your post by looking at the bottom right of your post. You will have the function for 24 hours after you post.
  7. You can only bump ONCE every 24 hours. If you have a special account you're selling, just edit your previous post and add it in. This is just a warning. Anymore bumping violations you will be punished accordingly.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7