Conversation Between InHuman and arunforce

123 Visitor Messages

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  1. Rest in Peace bro

  2. happy new year arun
    i know you havent always liked me, and i know i've pulled some stupid shit. but thansk for giving me responsibility and helping
    to maintain MPGH for my 3 years here. i hope you have a great year, and all the best to you
    much love nohomo
  3. nah
    just wanted to know if you were my buddeh
  4. If the person just messages me when they want something from me.
  5. on what?
  6. depends.
  7. awun, are you my buddeh
  8. badnight inhuman </3 ragesleep
  9. goodnight arun <3
  10. Backstabber leaked your convo of you desire to be CS, go ahead and blame him:

    MPGH - MultiPlayer Game Hacking - View Profile: Backstabber
  11. Merry Christmas Arun
    thanks for all my shit you have put up with throughout this year
    MPGH has changed a lot, for the better
    so i wanted to say thanks for what you do
  12. hey arun can you change my usertitle to "Master of Videos" in bold please
    thanks man
  13. eh i really cant, i listen to alot of different types.
    my favorites are i am not a human being, gonorrhea, bill gates, right above it, and with you
    but those are really what everyone likes anyways
    his mixtapes are better then this EP
  14. eh i really cant, i listen to alot of different types.
    my favorites are i am not a human being, gonorrhea, bill gates, right above it, and with you
    but those are really what everyone likes anyways
    his mixtapes are better then this EP
  15. Same for me, but I don't really like pure rap anymore. =\
  16. i cant really tell yet
    songs tend to grow on me the more i listen, so once i get back from school, i'll get back to you on that /yea
  17. Bill Gates only good new one IMO /.
  18. you are a force of arun
  19. okay yeah i got it
    well that was annoying, my bad
    anyways, hows it haning
  20. I was talking about the same thing. I thought, you thought I was just turning your name into a sentence, like you did.
  21. "I figured you'd get what I was saying of all people, guess not. "
  22. You got it... I beg to differ about me not being a force of arun. What else is there to discuss?
  23. what were you talking about when you said i am not a human being
    i understood the "not a force of arun" "i beg to differ" thing
  24. I already did...
  25. wanna fucking explain at least
    i thought we were talking bout lil wayne here O.o
    im probably missing it and i'll feel like a dumbass once you explain
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 123
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