Conversation Between InHuman and Time

18 Visitor Messages

  1. Rest in peace mate.
  2. .
  3. im going for it
  4. Get them 10k D:
  5. Done .
  6. sir
  7. oherrro der
  8. So hows life?
  9. Yeh lol infact ur doing good at cf section xD.
  10. 3 tags=
    and nice!
  11. Ahaha tyy wow u got 3 tags on mpgh /fpalm gwd boi lawl. won cw today opposing clan was like wdf u r cheater i was like yes what u gonna do >.<
  12. nice name :P
  13. Ah lool btw my ign is [oG]Insanity >.>
  14. /me fail at making shit
    and yea i only go on for gun reviews now
  15. Hahaaha make me a good sig with that .U dont come online on cf =.= i joined original lolz.
  16. [img]https://mittyzx.files.*********.com/2009/11/son_i_am_disappoint.gif[/img]
  17. Can i join ur clan?.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 18 of 18