Conversation Between PyrexxHero® and Hux

32 Visitor Messages

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  1. DerpDerp, USWest2
  2. what's your ign.
  3. can i still join that guild pls
  4. ill trade you pots and a bunch of t8s for $5 NX on combat arms
  5. nice. should join my guild.
  6. i might get back into it
    quit mostly because i thought my mules were done for, didnt loose a single account so i still have a decent bit of wealth
  7. awhh, well tradings back. even though some items are sb.
  8. rage quit hard
    killed off my first 2/8 wen trading went away
  9. nigga i never see you on rotmg.
  11. USWest2
  12. dam, i'm starting again as priest
  13. where you at.
  14. i literally just died. so i have to level again
  15. asia south east /teleport labialickr
  16. yeah, but i got to start from scratch.
  17. just get a t8 wiz and lets run sprites for dex
  18. yeah, i might start again once i get some money.
  19. ive been running tons of those today. but that sucks mane yeah this nexus button takes a long time
  20. i died after i soloed the spirit world and i couldn't exit the dungeon, i dced with 739 hp and once i reconnected i died:'(
  21. ouch. im too scarred to even use pots
  22. i died again, lost a 4/8 and cwhole t6spell elder and expo
  23. asiasoutheast
  24. uswest /teleport derpderp
  25. okay
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 32
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