Conversation Between Swiftdude and InHuman

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. alrighty .
  2. couple days to a week
    once the economy settles
  3. how long you think that will take?
  4. so apparently the economy went wack and dpins sell for 4b atm
    i only have 4b so imma wait for the enonomy to go back down so i can get two
  5. you got my money
  6. thanks
  7. i'll add you next blog
  8. lol / .
  9. ehh i honestly didnt look
    if i saw a thread made by dave i said it was an official D:
  10. my hack not count as an official pub?
  11. new addition to CS
  12. sounds good
  13. havent really played BO in a while
    but i'll play tomorrow with you fersure
  14. wanna play some black ops tonight or tomorrow
  15. to lazy. add me. RebelSwifty
  16. google hd pvr
  17. the fuck is that...
  18. need an HD PVR
  19. gots xbox and shit running. what do i need to record xbox gameplay?
  20. sounds good man
  21. yea so give it like a week...
  22. really?
    lemme know when you get it and we can play
  23. yea so i got black ops. and i should be getting some live with the xbox. but we have to reorder the xbox from a different place since the place we getting it from now is being a lazy bitch
  24. its cool man dont trip <3
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 36
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