Conversation Between Sylar and Gaar

14 Visitor Messages

  1. Where is my PSU bby
  2. RIP. ;-; ///////
  3. Yoooooooooo what's up?
  4. I just did
  5. FFS. You didn't remind me at all.
  6. Sup babe? ...
  7. Hey grrrrrrrrr.
  8. Thank you! <3
  9. Good job on minion!!!
  10. u suck at math this is why ur dick is bigger than mine
  11. But 7 divided by 1 isn't 1
  12. Gaar . Sit. Sit has three letters. Gaar has four letters. 3+4=7. Seven. Eleven. Seven Eleven. Store. Superstore. Costco. Best buy. Best. Best has four letters. Fix has three letters. 4+3=7. You know what else is 3+4=7? That's right. "Fix ur PC". 7+7=14. When you are 14 years old, you are in grade eight. Grade Eight. In "The Titan's Curse" by Rick Riordan, The main character is moving to grade eight. The book is the third in the series. Illuminati has three sides. Seven is a prime number. It is only divisible by 1 and itself. 7 divided by 1=1. Illuminati has 1 eye. Gaar is ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED.
  13. You said I could be your sheep but you already have a sheep. You've snaked me again!!
  14. 6 Days late but, Congrats.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 14 of 14