Conversation Between Time and Chester Bennington

180 Visitor Messages

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  2. I feel so honoured.
  3. I was your 1111th VM,

  4. Yeah its the same one .
  5. I'm not sure, it has been taken from me for some reason. Is the one you have still the one I bought you last year?
  6. errr y u no donator?
  7. mmz busy with studies, hoping to get staff again but .
  8. Not much really, you?
  9. I"m okay, watcha been upto lately
  10. Good thanks, and yourself'?
  11. How have you been?
  12. Didn’t look out below, watch the time go right out the window, trying to hold on but didn’t even know I wasted it all just to watch you goooooooooooooooo...
  13. Time is a valuable thing watch it fly by as the pendulum swings, watch it count down to the end of the day the clock ticks life away, It's so unreal.
  14. Keep that in mind, I designed this rhyme to explain in due time, all I know.
  15. I dunno why, it doesn't even matter how hard you try.
  16. great ty, well going on a nss camp on the 26th i.e tomorrow, will be back on the 2nd , no talking till then i suppose
  17. Glad to hear it mate. I'm quite good thanks, how about you?
  18. Sure am, how you been mate.
  19. Why hello there, Drake/Dilip/Adam. It's been a long time my little fuckstick, I hope you're winning at school.
  20. y u no active y u no talk .
  21. supsup get a namechange back to Reece ;3 .
  22. I miss you too man. I will be on more often hopefully in the near future.
  23. I miss you .
  24. Only 1 exam over so far that was on april 4th, Wrote Sanskrit 1st paper did pretty good. I has sanskrit 2nd paper on monday .
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 180
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