Conversation Between flameswor10 and Aborted

9 Visitor Messages

  1. I'll update it later
  2. You need to update that avatar.
    Shit's too old.
  3. You're the bitch

    No wonder I couldn't VM you back HAHA
  4. Add me, you bitch.

    Jk bby.
  5. Who's this again?
  6. Hi Flamey.
    Haven't seen your ass in a while.
  7. I didnt sign up there. I honestly have no idea how it happened.
  8. Which is why you don't sign up at IH.
  9. Help me out man. My account got hacked into. Guy posted NASTY stuff about mpgh. Disregard anything said. What do i do??
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9