Conversation Between 4shotG and Corndog

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Ehh Ok ill stop Messaging You lol. Get back To Work Or Your Parents Bann You From internet Muahhaha. lol K man Peace GOod luck
  2. sure...whenever you are ready.
    not now though. gotta finish this before my parents get home.
  3. Ehh 2 Hours Fuck lol. My mom gets outa work and i Need To Go shop 4 My Clothes For my Sophomore Year >. How Bout Later if you'll Be on
  4. working on a book report ATM.
    it could be like 2 hours. hows that sound?
  5. its 10:34 Here So You want to play in About 4-5hours?
  6. eastern.
    its 1:30 PM here...
    wat bout u?
  7. ummm Lets See im Pacific time Zone i live in Cali . What is yours?
  8. ok...idk what time zone you are in.
    but how about like 6-ish
    (4.5 hours)
  9. Lol i Know Man its all Good just Hit Me Up when u want To play again
  10. lol...not now.
    im busy
  11. I Murdered You Yesterday Lol Remember. 4ShotG=Wu_Tang_
    We must play again
  12. Congratz On Minion Corn Dog Good Luck Bro!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12