Conversation Between 4shotG and HackMaker

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Yo MY XBL GT is I3 E N E F I T 40 in Mlg Ohhh shitt in 2 weeks and its been a year Haha add Mee For some 1v1 scrimage : D
  2. oh yah fosho and put cho gamertag and also get odst
  3. Haha Saw your Siggy Semi-Pro haha Before i got banned from Xboxlive i was Mean Pro i Enrolled in The MLG Dallas Tournament if you dont remember i was like 87th place. Beast Man 4shotting Sickness ima Get a new xbox on Friday and i know ima Suck but on friday or some day Lets Do a 1v1?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3