Conversation Between MissRandomSpam and Shocking

15 Visitor Messages

  1. added to respect list :3
  2. RIP Shocking
  3. which korean artist's do u like at most schoking? <3
    i like kara they are hot :3
  4. anh yeu em <3
    saranghae <3
    wo ai ni <3
    i love you <3
    ich liebe dich <3

    ehm i dont know more language sorry x_x
  5. you too <3
    whats ya real name schocking mine is ha ;D
  6. Just keep smiling bitch. <3
  7. nice pic schocking ;D
  8. Nah, I live in australia.
  9. Ok em schoking.
    chắc là em rất bận đúng không?
    ảnh của em trông xinh gái thật *-*
    em sống ở USA à? ^^
  10. Troi oi, O_O"

    Em please,
  11. nice <3 but my english is so bad sorry :3
    should i call you "em" or "chị" ? i'm 17 ;D
  12. LOL yeah, you can add me and yes i can speak / write viet.
  13. hehe but u can speak and write vietnamese, too?
    do i have the permission to add you, schocking? <3
  14. Yeah I'm viet, Lols no need for permition.
    Thanks <3
  15. congratz schocking, i knew that u will become minion someday ^-^
    btw i am an asian, too <3
    do i have the permission to ask u if u are vietnamese ?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 15 of 15