Conversation Between epicfailure/ and ๓ฬ2ђคςкєг

9 Visitor Messages

  1. That website had it coming.
  2. then why go on that tangent?
  3. I didn't say shit about MPGH.
    Or shutting it down.
  4. so you'd get yourself unbanned?

    Oh and you think mpgh will shut down?
  5. I don't cry about anything I just do something about it.
    Last website that banned me (Flaming) permanently got shutdown/
  6. you should care, because there's possible an ip ban and almost defiantly a ban.

    I care because it'll be funny to watch you cry about it.
  7. Tell me why you care?
    Tell me why I care?
  8. Tell me why I would spam.
  9. Dave went on my profile a long time ago
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9