Conversation Between Mr. Lonely and Joshcarr2006

20 Visitor Messages

  1. MinaReow I still love you!!!
  2. Took playing hard to get to a hole new level.
  3. have i not said i love u back in these 3 years ?
  4. lol the first time I told you I love you was like 2009.
  5. it took 3 days u pansy
  6. Well holy fuck only took like 3 years. Now I can die happy.
  7. and i love you too
  8. MinaReow I still love you!!!
  9. MinaReow I still love you!!!
  10. Well I still love you for ever and always MinaReow
  11. loving me was so back in 2010.
  12. oh shit your MinaReow? MinaReow I still love you
  13. Well alright alright.
  14. Oh well this time im 3 weeks earlier :]
  15. 4 weeks late there.
  16. O_O who you .
  17. Hey how are you. My name is Josh. So I see from your name that you are lonely but how is a very beautiful woman like your self lonely? You should get with a guy like me. See I'm sweet kind I look good I have a good job have my own house and car. Not like 90% of MPGH that still live with there mom. I tell you what you want to hear so it makes you feel all giggle inside. See I'm so sweet we can keep this on the down low and just take it to the inbox until you are ready to tell all of MPGH about us. You just let me know beautiful ky face
  18. MinaReow let me get that face book link so I can love you longer time!
  19. You love anything with a vagina .
  20. MinaReow I still love you
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 20