Conversation Between Mr. Lonely and Tawksin

11 Visitor Messages

  1. When and where baby?
  2. You can eat my blue waffle <3
  3. Oh I see. Can I come eat there?
  4. I work in a resturant
    Checking people in , and picking up the phone for reservations at the front desk .
    Thats why im on mpgh . :/ Usually i'll be supervising , but today i want to be on service .
  5. I am so not fluffy. :P

    And where do you work?
  6. we shewd . :/ I'm talking to you right now though & im at work . Lols .
    Mister Fluffy puffs .
  7. We should talk sometimes.
  8. I miss your fluffy tingley bits
  9. I miss you Mina.
  10. Thanks brew ! <3
  11. You finally got a pink name, congrats babe. ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11