Conversation Between CRUSTY and juanrineytor

24 Visitor Messages

  1. I needed it lol ty. <3 broski
  2. Green rep...
  3. Lol thx /
  4. Have I told u how pro u are?

    well it goes from

    Here : |

    to the infinite and beyond.

  5. Well you, sir, are also
  6. IDK i just wanted to tell u that dunno why D:
  7. How so ?
  8. I'm not here to tell you anything new or that u may not know. but ure pure win.
  9. hope so hehe thx
  10. Welcome back/ un-RIP?
  11. MM...

    I'm gonna play A.V.A and CF more... I think CF is pretty fun, idk. Sick of all the hackers in CA...
  12. Masterbating. LOL! naah just playing different game rpgs fps and trying to not hack. hehe. and how are u doing budd?
  13. Where have you been?
  14. RIP =/ .
  16. My spidey sense is tingling the tip of my penor o_O
  17. stranger danger? u has spiderman sensesseses.
  18. Anal? what?

  19. So ? you cant fake that anal! :O :P
  20. kim kardashian has fake tits
  21. LOL . facepalm.
  22. I just noticed your name is juanrineytor not juanreyitor
  23. u shaddap meanzor.
  24. shaddup juan
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 24 of 24