Conversation Between CRUSTY and Luke420

8 Visitor Messages

  1. We da best smd
  2. Canadians...
  3. it 3 $ every view think i lie lil nig naws not /me
  4. Sounds a little high

    Sure it isn't $.03?
  5. Yes i am geting paided 3 $ every view
  6. Are you being paid to have that stopzilla thing in your signature?

    If you are, you are legally required to tell me
  7. awww shit sorry brah my bad when i go i go hard or GTFO want me to put it back up i have unlim respawn and i willl let you kill me
  8. I saw you ingame yesterday bitch...

    You made my freaking kdr go down .13 in one game
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8