Conversation Between CyberGenius and Ravallo

26 Visitor Messages

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  1. Guess everyone was waiting for a thread on 'The Maffia Creed' then
  2. 81 viewing
  3. If you say so
  4. 63 viewing general up from 14
  5. .........
  6. ban him hes a shit stick
  7. Kinda doubtful if that's actually you, but well: added.

    (On a side note, does the real picture of Dave offer still apply? )
  8. no use the small one
  9. Picture looks familiar, could you send me a tad bigger version though?
    (As this one is just 93 x 56)
  10. That'd be great, if he allows me to post it of course.
  11. i got daves pic for the staff pic thread the real dave84311
  12. Whichever one you prefer

  13. take the K off pls then its perfect
  14. Came across a different icon, hope you like it
    Abbreviated King to 'K', since it would've been too long otherwise.

    Let me know if you want me to edit anything
  15. King Judge for the text
  16. Ok that sounds do-able, and what about the text?
  17. i like the crown in thats yellow
  18. What's up with the new reward?
  19. Regarding this
    What would you want the text to be?
    I was thinking of using either of these crowns, would you prefer one in particular?

  20. 606 378 895
  21. give team veiwer
  22. No I just torrented Office 2010, used a Keygen, but the Key I used has most likely been blacklisted. I have 2 days to activate ...
  23. the office 2010 activator are your products legit?
  24. Prof. Sam
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 26
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