Conversation Between Alen and BattleForce

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Yeah, two scans and at least one sceenshot.
  2. Oh well, i only had VirusTotal... should i re-post with 2 virus scans then?
  3. I can check again if I made a mistake, but I think you must have missed something that's written here. Short version is that you must have 2 virus scans, screenshots and any credits if the hack isn't yours. I'm guessing you were missing either screenshots or virus scans, I'll check in a sec.
  4. Hey, cant send u an message any other way. But i released our latest hack for warrock and u deleted it right away. Something with 'Improper release' ? explain pls since i'm one of the coders.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4