Conversation Between WOLFPACK X69X and durges1012

6 Visitor Messages

  1. im guessing ur sab.
  2. Do you know me? No so fuck off.
  3. and me and hodgy are friends its a little joke why are u so defenseve over him? jesus your like a little bitch
  4. So you pick the one that some kid puts up on their? there are many more:

    Hodgy 3 thumbs up
    buy hodgy mugs, tshirts and magnets
    Someone who is really cool, talented, usually good looking and bit of a 'don'.

    hodgy 15 up, 38 down
    buy hodgy mugs, tshirts and magnets
    Considerbaly better than you
    Hodgy is considerably better than you

    and considering its her/his name i beleive he can choose which definition he wants.
  5. Hodgy 16 up, 20 down
    buy hodgy mugs, tshirts and magnets
    gay, homosexual, likes males, is sexually active with men.
    you are such a hodgy some times.
    hodgy gay homosexual men penis-lover.
    by Jamescraig. Feb 11, 2008 share this

    and i said soldiers. i live with 2. related to at least 10. and friends with many.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6