Conversation Between HalfBajan and Raple

12 Visitor Messages

  1. U talkn shit hmmmmm?????
  2. whaddup banjan
  3. Holy shit nice tags
  4. Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
  5. Do it! I miss your old name.
  6. Maybe I should
  7. The name isn't taken, why not get it back?
  8. Huehuehue
    I miss that name
  9. No need to do that Marceline :3
  10. Now you look all superior and shit...
    I guess I shall proceed to bow down to you
  11. I don't know mang, must have glitched up when Liz changed my image tag.
  12. Awww, how come all yo' shit is so badass-ly arranged
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12