Conversation Between ihavethosehacks and MissRandomSpam

17 Visitor Messages

  1. added you on msn
  2. 5 days ago but i have learned c++ for 5 months now.

    im making a UCE becouse i cant use MHS becouse i want to do a hack (aimbot i have a code for it).
  3. wow i know
    i also have a book about delphi but delphi dosent work on win7 64 bit -.-*
    thats why i cant learn for my own at home
    when did u start learning pascal?
  4. add me on msn:
  5. CE is coded in delphi and a lil c++ but im learning on my own with a book and that's much harder then having a teacher.
  6. i am learning how to write programs in delphi in the school right now LOL
    but im far away from coding my own hacks.
    i cant do nothing so far yet.
    gl with your project

    didnt know that you can make a UCE with delphi lol
  7. sure why not?

    im currently working on making a UCE by modifying the CE 5.6's code its hard like hell if you just can a little delphi
  8. ok lets have a good competition together.
    however, if one of us become minion, lets support each other ok?
  9. yes king or another admin anounces when its 2-5 days left.
  10. actually i didnt get that cause i remember when you wasnt banned u always had a bad mood but ok if you have changed

    do you think you would come back soon enough to apply?
  11. i ment i was joking didn't u get that

    Gl and hf
  12. well, bastards dont win at all so you'd better be nice and helpful
    btw why are you banned
  13. i know i was just trying to be a bastard
  14. calm down its just a competition
    and i wish you gl
    you have more posts then me, but it doesnt mean that you will win because of that
  15. i get unbanned in 2 days + i got 700 posts so STFU
  16. lawl
    but your iopop9 got banned and u need at least 500 post
  17. Let's see who becomes minon ';.;' im going for it too and hejsan suport me
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 17 of 17