Conversation Between heythere123 and DavidNS

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh that have been a while :O
    Congrats on MM
  2. hey you got MSN? i gotta talk to you
  3. just curious, ok ill check it out sometime
  4. one of my friends but....Why are you asking ?
    I take injectors from MPGH and the Hack from my friend
  5. alright forsure, sounds good. whose coding the vip hacks?
  6. Yeah !
    VIP HACKs + Accounts for Sale ( I have Tons ) !
    If you want your accounts to get sold quickly , I can Place them for you
  7. LOL what in the world is that? x] vip hack?
  8. Hey Bro
    I am launching my business today


    Visit Us and Download get latest VIP Hacks for Less $$$+more!

    Check it
  9. well its my account O_O
  10. 100% You changed it !
    But I got the old Info !
  11. fine tell me then, whats the current registered password for cross?
  12. I got them in my phisher
  13. you have FULL info to cross0006?! HOW?! and prove it^^ you have correct email? and email pass? correct username? correct pass?
    and what other accounts do you know?! O__O how do you even know it?
  14. Well w.w.a , cross0006 + more in your sign. I already got their info
    They are just stolen ones !
  15. lets talk here, so we dont get reported for spamming, and i really have NO IDEA what you are talking about o.o
    please explain to me what is going on...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16