Conversation Between Polo and Polo™

35 Visitor Messages

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  1. Least you still got minion
  2. Combat Arms & Minecraft .

    Been extremely inactive lately tho. :S
  3. I really have been gone for long, but what do you minion for?
  4. whaaaaaaat's poppin slime.

    Haven't seen you in ages; as you see i'm no longer Poloooooo D;
  5. Bro i think im back.
  6. wher are you .

  7. No idea
  8. sorry, herpderp

    Didnt see your second vm o:
  9. c:

    why were you banned for a week bro ?
  10. and i was banned for all that time idk
  11. Nah i dont hav the cracked version, and i do need sum sources
  12. Nah its the one with the ads, and idk they didnt decide to unban me until today
  13. You got the full cracked version right? & kk wait.

    Btw, why were you banned for like a week?
  14. Lol i hav bitesms, and i do need some great sources

  15. Also, if you like to text a lot get BiteSMS.

    Shits so dope, tell me if you need any sources or anything.
  16. oh kk, and uh lemme check my phone right quick.

    Well, ima tell you the main cydia apps i got, and its

    -MyWi 4.0

    Brb, lemme check out my packages and shit.

    If you don't know what those are, just lmk and i'll give u a better description

    brb, ima go read that vm now
  18. I had to jailbreak it using redsn0w, but the same guy who made the video made a tut for redsn0w so it all worked out great .
    Now all i need to know is the best cydia apps for the 3g.
  19. I no spam.
    Imma get to 10k legit.
  20. 15 more posts
  21. I cant fucking backup my iphone...
  22. Aight imma get that started.
  23. recommended*
    & I meant if greenpoison fails, then use red
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 35
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