Conversation Between Hysteria and Vortex

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. MSN? you on?
  2. your sig scares me...........
  3. Nice, sorry wish I could have helped bro.

    P.S. Noone knows Hidden's name, but I call him Richard. It bothers him
  4. dang it....I made a camo'd gun, itech, and lasersite. onto the next person...
  5. I don't have the gun :/ Nor do I even play CA.

    BossMan (Quiin) has one though.
  6. can you get me a CQB screen shot?
  7. Oh okay. Makes sense then

    Still think black would look better, and the silver isn't really silver... more like gray :/
  8. I was going for Orange an silver. NOT gold.
  9. Looks more orange than gold. Make the tribals darker gray or black. Add some gray/black (same as the colour of tribal marks) to pieces of the gun like the trigger etc. to give it some BAM. Just my Opinion though
  10. yo, how should I improve this? it took like 20 minutes tops
  11. Stress, depression, insomnia, and chronic headaches.
  12. I know what hysteria means.......
    and what is your medical need to smoke mary jane?
  13. I use weed roe 'medical purposes' I'm legally allowed to smoke.

    Hysteria means Intense Emotion whether that be happiness, sadness, anger, or love.
  14. you use weed? o.O and "hysteria?"
  15. aha yeah. :P
  16. ahhh my bad....Note to self: read the whole post.
  17. The Theme is M416CQB :/ So no, Famas doesn't count lmao
  18. should I submit my Famas, or make another texture?
  19. Commented.
  20. The _______sickles are made by Paradox/Visionary. He's not giving anyone the original file, but if you request he makes you a siggy/avatar for free.
  21. Me neither, but it's for that Terrific Ten release. Jabuuty made a scope for it that is Jizz worthy.
  22. niiiiiiiiice. cept I dont use the L9
  23. Looks alright on the main body. On the scope it's all blocky and ew. /

    I made this:

    What do you think?
  24. it looks like crap. dammit
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