Conversation Between pokeman1 and Ali

11 Visitor Messages

  1. deal with Zoom ; I don't have ban powers & your ban will be 1 day I think ...
  2. yup, i think you would do that -.-

    but, when do i get banned? after vacation would be ok (after 24 august).
  3. erhm do you really think that I would check the old threads to see which thread you bumped... + I add every bumper name in a notepad so yes you bumped 2 threads .
  4. erhm.. proof that i bumped 2 times!
  5. Oh I already have this xD ; I just didn't test it after my lastest edit
  6. if you are realy lazy like me, make this!

    make the g36e scope ROUND! it isn't. nexon was to lazy to remove the things on the sides in think.

    and, lolz... i use over 13 mods from you /
  7. No but he's taking requests ...
  8. did you say to hiddenmaster? thx!
  9. hiddenmaster will do it for you /
  10. i dont care the m4a1 gona be small, plz mod m4a1 to m416
  11. Do not bump 1+ week old threads. This is your only warning, next time you do it you may be subject of a ban.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 11 of 11