Conversation Between iLanCe and Epickk

6 Visitor Messages

  1. iunno if it's still alive or not. i quit cause no one was active. >.>
  2. btw dude, is blood's clan still alive? if it is, are you still in it? and is sidtwist still in it? i would like to join again once my hand heals and i get my cast off.
  3. oh yeah, probably..
    well, i will message my ign to you as a message for privacy reasons.. lol
  4. i have noo idea at all. i think it was for the guild blood in and i wanted to play with you. i think. LOL
  5. i know this is a really late reply, but may i ask why you need my IGN?
  6. What's your IGN?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6