Conversation Between aeronyx and Taco

209 Visitor Messages

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  1. nigga came back for 1 day smh
  2. shhhh ^___^
  3. happy birthday yo
  4. fuckin asians, always 2 steps ahead
  5. heh i sophomore in college
  6. damn you old nigga, im a senior in hs
  7. college is the shit!!!!
  8. yea same. final year. gotta get thru it like a baws
  9. school and school and school ;-;
  10. yo nigga what up
  11. other than birthday tomorrow, nope. lol
  12. Anything new?
  13. I've been good.
  14. Hehe, thanks!

    How've you been?
  15. Alive and in the flesh.
    Back on your day too, happy birthday man. Lol
  16. o m g yer ahliev.
  17. hey baby.
  18. ELLO .
  19. ohai there
  20. becuz it dont haz it 24/7.
  21. Y U NO?

  22. i am alive. just not on the internetz.
  23. Y U NO ALIVE?
  24. yeah. .-.
  25. Oh .

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 209
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