Conversation Between neytiri and amandeep94

7 Visitor Messages

  1. haha cheap site or not its great for socializing anyway i think he took it down
  2. lol... i don't have the money to be the owner of the cheapest site
    well i do but it ain't a gud idea
  3. it doesnt matter as the site is currently down but your not him as he is the site owner
  4. i have joined most of the websites with this name "amandeep94" soo yea if it this name then proly its me... wht is ur website though?
  5. the questin is are you the amandeep from the website i moderate at cause i dont think you are but im curious XD
  6. i don't remember who r u??
    and yea i m Aman
  7. hey is that you aman?

    its neytiri
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7