Conversation Between whit++ and FUKO

8 Visitor Messages

  1. Anything
    Ight later hopefully im unbanned tomorrow
  2. Okay whit baby. I'm available if you need me....for anything
  3. I cant with Liz or who ever banned me on my back..
    But im have to test My wallhack tomorrow
  4. Yeah...not to mention the mod isn't even active.
    Section hasn't been up since Jeff left tbh, that was when it had its peaks...Oh I miss those days
    Prease revive it...
  5. Hope i get unbanned soon i wanna post hack
    Project blackout is lacking
  6. Jelly of what, them big ass titties?
  7. Staff hates me /me
    they jelly
  8. I love you baby whit, you're the stars in the sky.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8