Conversation Between Cal and Thane.

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. We make news.
  2. Wert the ferk is news team
  3. I think its in the place I just mentioned, because reobf is empty
  4. it should be there
    its out in the MCP Folder, either called Final_Out or reobf
  5. Yeah, its in bin>minecraft>net>minecraft>src = modified class files
  6. (you must credit me for this when you release)
    you find the release either in recofig (or something like that as a folder name) or in final out depending on what your doing.
  7. I have 64 rep

    Anyway, another question, when I decompile, my src comes out as .java instead of .class
  8. im nearly on 2 bars(rep i mean)
    you totally jelly?
  9. Oh I see it
  10. Go in the mods section o.0
  11. Link? I have no idea of what you are talking about
  12. its not python.
    add that to your source and compile, it works, just edit it and make something new
  13. The python source of whos powersword?
  14. Thats not how it works
    Just get Phy source of his power sword and have a look at it........
  15. I mean things with modloader, because I do not want to use an entity of a pickaxe or something to make a grenade and not have a pickaxe
  16. Hmmm like a weapon? thats modloader stuff. but just a normal item.
    copy and paste the code from something you want to make. then edit the names and make a new image for it
  17. Oh sweet! Thanks, I put ValueOf instead of valueOf, I have another question as well, how would you "make a new item"?
  18. valueOf
    i think thats it.
    or Valueof
  19. I have a problem

  20. I used to do that, but he keeps flaimg.
  21. Let's say for a moment that he is a dick too you. Be a bigger man and don't flame back
  22. I only flame him because hes a dick to me, i aint going to be nice to him.
    respect all other members.
  23. See, I would have somewhat of respect for you if you weren't such a little flamer. Just because he said something thats true doesn't mean you should flame him. Take his advice and stop spamming, because even if you "contribute" you still cant get 400-500 to 1000
  24. @Heartview
    You mad ******? shut the fuck up, i dont mist useess stuff and i help out and contribute.
    im just on alot,
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 36
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