Conversation Between .REZ and Anti

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. You so meen man fux uuuuuuuuu
  2. I'm sitting on 1.4 mil of it with nothing to do with it.
  3. Oh I will shrek you so hard.

  4. I don't remember how to shrek
  5. More like you lookin' to get shrek'd, bro.

  6. U lookin to get wrecked bro?
  7. Level 4 whatup /imabouttogetrektnopls
  8. Come at me son, I'm lvl 75 /sogoodfightme
  9. When I get good I will battle your Goatee ass.
  10. Get into dat shit
  11. Yeah, it seems to be a hit with everyone I know.

    Since work is boring lately, I will have time to play it too...Hmm...
  12. I've been playin it for quite a while now, still enjoy it.
  13. It's alright. It is a new way to play the genre, that's for sure.

    Seems you're addicted to it though, eh?
  14. What do you think
  15. Started playing on my phone rn actually.
  16. Enjoyin the fuck out of some clash of clans rn. Dat shit is definitely cray.
  17. Just got home from work, myself. Fucking stressful but I have a day off tomorrow.

    Might get some Keef later tonight so tomorrow I can chill the fuck out.

    Whatcha doin'?
  18. Workin err day, whats up nigglet.
  19. Where you at, Rezzy?
  20. I meant all caps but those are both amazing!

    Requested to use the all caps one.

    Also, sup bitch
  21. All caps or just the first letter?
  22. Can you make me a tag with the same background and font saying: Misery

    This will be my last request. By the By, I plan to make a commission of you, me and a few other mpgheins so be ready for it.
  23. ALOOOOOT OF COCKS. He does. Not me. Bish wtf u lookin @
  24. That BLOWSSSSS
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 44
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