Conversation Between RIPRyanDunn and Ray William Johnson

43 Visitor Messages

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  1. Bro once again the trade isnt FOR SURE yet, we still need to see. DOnt VM me now pm me if u wanna talk. Or add me im on my ipod now, so i cant read these messages.
  2. Lol..... 90 day awm camo >.< sweet man
  3. But, really i should stop now because you have a trade and i've tried all day and night bleh.
  4. And i didn't wanna buy the regular awm cause i didn't have enough gp
  5. Uh, awm-camo cause i like sniping and i didn't have the money for zp. >_>
  6. ON WHAT!!!!!
  7. It is tomorrow? o-o
  8. 2 right now. i spent the 41 i had
  9. Theres guns in there for that, >.> but oh well you already got your trade for later today.
  10. Im a tryhard guy so i go snd and td
  11. HM/MM is fun though.
  12. How much coupons do you have?
  13. Yea so thats good. But those arent my guns LOL gatling gun is weird, only good in MM >.<
  14. But but, i have some good guns.
  15. Rank is free Guns aren't, remember this young padiwan!
  16. Eh, beats mine even though it's only master searg.
  17. but but look at guns
  18. Ew, low rank
  19. COmes with 100k zp
  20. Yeah i am Z8Games
  21. I mean what account are you trading? like are you trading accounts with someone else?
  22. h20 i like it cuz 4 pages of guns. tommy and all gold guns.
  23. What account are you trading for?
  24. Bullshit mine is far from perfect. What do you think of the account i am trading for???
  25. Eh, it's alright but yours is like the BOMB.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 25 of 43
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