Conversation Between Tupac Shakur and hashb247

16 Visitor Messages

  1. Actually I am a witch burner assistant.. I reported you for spamming on my wall saying im this scammer noob.
  2. whats the reason for reporting me?
    beacsue i found out your a witch?
  3. Sorry I don't know what you're talking about
  4. sup resa...
  5. Nope, now stop spamming on my wall.
  6. you just edit the post.
    before you said 3 days.
  7. I already told you 2 hours ago
  8. then how come when we were playing earlier with westrice you said hey its tuapac
  9. 3 Days Ago.
  10. when were you last on it?
  11. It got stolen .
  12. arent you maxkills?
  13. wasn't me
    I got a keylogger on my laptop again anyways.. from uTorrent
  14. hmm.
    how come you whisperd me ingame saying your resa?
    you got scammed?
  15. who the fuck is resa
  16. are you really resa?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 16 of 16