Conversation Between Arcton and I EAT COCK

6 Visitor Messages

  1. I aint a ******, and I clean my pupu.
  2. You are talking shit now, but i choose not to suck ur dick

    1 - Ur's BLACK
    2 - Too dirty
  3. talk shit, suck cock

    no hate <3
  4. Why all copy dave,
    Oh you all are his dogs ... i c, i c xD
  5. You are a piece of shit. Suck a dick you ******. No one is going to remove your CS, you yourself are an ugly little 13 year old ****** with a big dorky ass head, go stick it in your mommas butt that way no one has to see your ugly mug again. RQ, no one gives a shit.
  6. cocksukar, sell me hendo eyes huehue
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6